Is there a perfect reduction training plan for men? How to go about reducing body fat, what should you pay special attention to when it comes to strength exercises, and what are the most important rules of effective reduction training? You will be able to read about all this in this article.
Reduction training – the most important principles of effective reduction training
Strength training during fat reduction is an extremely important point of a well-conducted reduction. It allows not only to increase the caloric deficit, but above all allows you to shape your figure. What are the most important principles of effective reduction training?
Adjust your training to your abilities! Remember that strength training during fat reduction will be slightly different from that during building muscle mass. This is due to the fact that due to a caloric deficit, you may have less strength for training, and thus you will not be able to lift the same weights as when building muscle mass. For this reason, adjust strength training to your strength capabilities to avoid overtraining and, as a consequence, any injury;
Strength training is very important, but a reduction diet is even more important! I must mention here – on the occasion of effective reduction training – an extremely important aspect of a well-conducted weight reduction, which is a reduction diet. It is thanks to it that your training will bring the expected results. Even the best workout without a proper diet will not cause you to suddenly get rid of excess fat from the body, because for this you need a caloric deficit, and training is treated here as an aid in achieving the goal faster and shaping the body.
Take care of proper regeneration after training! Regeneration is also a very important aspect of a well-conducted fat reduction or muscle mass building! By taking care of proper regeneration, you will avoid overtraining, you will have more strength for the next workout, and thanks to this, you will be able to do your best on every training unit. So take care of the right amount of sleep, relaxation, and adjust the number of training units during the week so that you also have enough time to regenerate. It is optimal to train 3-5 times a week, depending on your training experience or weight reduction stage.
Take care of your technique during the training unit! Maintaining the right technique of exercise is an equally important aspect of a well-conducted reduction training. This is important because properly performed exercises will allow for even better strength performance, but also physique, but most importantly, they will protect you from injury, which unfortunately happens in this sport, although in most cases they are caused by inappropriate technique or simply overtraining. So if you are a beginner – ask more experienced people or personal trainers at the gym for help at the beginning to show you how to properly perform all the exercises written out in your training plan.
Also remember to be active outside of strength training! By increasing physical activity in addition to strength training, you deepen the caloric deficit, and thus – fat burning is even more effective. However, I am not writing here about the fact that immediately after finishing strength training, as well as cardio training (which I will write more about later in the article), you have to ride a bike or run outside for hours. This is the so-called NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) factor, which tells you how much “spontaneous” activity you will have during the day. Such spontaneous activity can include, for example, walking up the stairs instead of the elevator (unless you live on the 20th floor, it can be a bit difficult), walking to the store instead of driving a car and many other activities during the day that you can replace with more active ones, and thanks to this you can burn up to several hundred calories more during the day!
What should training look like during fat reduction?
Training during the fat reduction period is primarily to be effective and as focused as possible on deepening the caloric deficit while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible and adjusting the training volume in such a way that you can meet it with a lower caloric supply. It is also good to combine strength training with cardio training, which you do after strength training. This will allow you to make even better use of the energy reserves accumulated in the residual adipose tissue, and thus – you can achieve your dream goal faster.
3-day training plan for fat reduction
The following training plan for reduction will be based on FBW (Full Body Workout) training, which is a very good alternative for both beginners and advanced people.
Example of training A:
- Squat with a barbell at the back – 4 sets of 12 repetitions;
- Barbell rowing in the torso fall with the underhand – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Barbell bench press – 4 sets of 12 reps;
- Overhead barbell press – 4 sets of 12 reps;
- Standing arm curl with an undergrip – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- French bench press – 4 sets of 12 repetitions;
- Abdominal contractions while lying on the mat – 4 sets of 20 repetitions.
- Example of training B:
- Walking lunges with dumbbells – 4 sets of 15 repetitions per leg;
- Classic deadlift – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Dumbbell bench press lying on an incline bench upwards – 4 sets of 12 repetitions;
- Barbell lift along the torso – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Arm curls on a prayer book – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Dips on parallel bars – 4 sets of 10 reps;
Allachy – 4 sets of 20 repetitions.
- Example of training C:
- Deadlift on straight legs – 4 sets of 12 reps;
- Pull-ups – 4 sets of 12 reps;
- Barbell bench press on the incline bench down – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Overhead dumbbell press – 4 sets of 12 reps;
- Standing dumbbell curl with wrist supination – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Barbell press lying on a bench in a narrow grip – 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Plank – 4 sets of 30 seconds each.
Does a reduction training plan have to include cardio training?
A reduction training plan can also include cardio training, as well as fat reduction based only on strength training without cardio training. Both the first and the second solution can be done to reduce your excess body fat, but from my own experience and that of my clients, I know that adding a cardio unit after strength training brings better results when burning fat. This is because after the end of the training unit, the liver and muscle glycogen reserves are depleted and the body begins to draw energy from fat tissue reserves, so using 30 minutes of cardio training at the beginning after strength training is a good solution and I also highly recommend it.
It is also worth noting here that you can also introduce interval training after training, which may burn fewer calories during its performance than cardio training – but if you do interval training well – you can burn more calories for the next 24 to even 48 hours!
Strength training during fat reduction will not only increase the caloric deficit, but above all will allow you to shape your figure, making it more aesthetic. Strength training, however, is primarily to help maintain as much muscle mass as possible, which is at risk of reducing fat due to a caloric deficit. Therefore, it is worth training as hard as possible – of course with the right technique – because the harder you work at each workout, the better your effects will be and the more muscle mass you will save.