From a health point of view, abdominal obesity is more unfavorable than femorogluteal obesity. The former is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the waist area, also in the abdominal cavity between the organs. By taking away their space, it causes a deterioration in their proper functioning. Visceral obesity is more common in men than women, but its development also affects postmenopausal women. Pear-type obesity is characterized by the accumulation of fat tissue in the hip and thigh area. It is more common in women than in men.
Causes of overweight and obesity
The greatest impact on the development of excessive body weight is inappropriate eating habits and a low level of physical activity on a daily basis. However, there are other factors that can cause this condition. Below we present them with a brief description:
1. Improper diet – eating too many calories compared to the body’s energy needs leads to the storage of excess energy in the form of spare body fat. Excessive body weight is also conducive to a diet with a small amount of vegetables and fruits, poor in protein and dietary fiber. Consumption of processed and caloric foods, fatty foods, sweets, and high-sugar beverages.
2. Low level of physical activity – people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in regular physical activity have lower energy requirements. They are often more likely to spend time in front of the TV watching movies and series, accompanied by sweet or salty snacks and take-away meals. With low energy expenditure and a high-calorie diet, the risk of developing excessive body weight increases significantly.
3. Genetics – the tendency to be overweight and obese can be inherited. If the parents had a problem with excessive body weight, there is a greater risk that the offspring will also have difficulty keeping it in the appropriate range. However, this is most often due to unhealthy eating habits passed on to children by parents and a sedentary lifestyle.
4. Taking certain medications – the use of certain medications (e.g. corticosteroids, antidepressants, etc.) can affect well-being, metabolism and hormonal balance in different ways. Medications usually do not cause weight gain on their own. However, they can cause physiological changes in the body, leading to the development of excessive body weight. Some can cause drowsiness and reduce well-being, discouraging physical activity. Others increase appetite, leading to eating more food than the body needs. If the introduction of medications has caused any alarming symptoms, you should inform your doctor who recommended their use.
5. Hormonal disorders – certain medical conditions and diseases can affect metabolism and lead to overweight or obesity. These include,, insulin resistance or hypothyroidism. Controlling these diseases and eating a properly balanced diet can prevent the development of excessive body weight.
6. Stress and emotional eating – stress and difficulties in coping with it, emotional problems and low self-esteem can affect eating habits. They often lead to compulsive eating of sensory-attractive foods, i.e. sweet, fatty, fried and highly processed. This leads to a caloric surplus and the development of overweight or obesity.
Effects of excess body weight
Excessive body weight, especially obesity, is a serious burden on the entire body. If left untreated, it can lead to numerous health problems, such as:
- cardiovascular diseases – hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke,
- type 2 diabetes – excessive body weight contributes to problems with blood sugar regulation, which increases the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes,
- respiratory diseases – breathing problems, sleep apnea, worse physical condition, as well as a higher risk of asthma and obstructive pneumonia (COPD),
- joint diseases – excessive body weight is a heavy burden on the joints, which can lead to degeneration, causes pain, stiffness and makes it difficult to move,
- liver diseases – obesity is associated with the occurrence of fatty liver, which in extreme cases can lead to hepatitis and cirrhosis of the organ,
- metabolic disorders – overweight and obesity can disrupt hormonal balance, which can cause metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol and triglycerides or abnormal blood sugar and insulin levels,
- cancer – obesity is associated with a higher risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer,
- mental disorders – excessive body weight can cause reduced self-esteem and worse functioning in society, which can lead to depression or eating disorders,
- difficulties in everyday activities – such as hygiene, preparing meals, shopping, tying shoes or climbing stairs,
- shortened life expectancy – people who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of dying prematurely from health complications associated with excess body weight.
Treatment of excess body weight
If you are struggling with overweight or obesity and want to take care of your health, we encourage you to take steps that will result in gradual weight reduction. You can look for time for daily walks today to increase your daily physical activity. The second important step is to take care of what you eat.
If you don’t know where to start and are looking for a tasty and balanced box diet with door-to-door delivery, take advantage of the offer of professional dietary catering Dieta Premium. Before and during the order, you can take advantage of a free dietary consultation. Specialists are available every day at 22 257 86 26 and will be happy to advise you on the calorific value of the set. From among the available options, such as the classic diet, low-glycemic diet or ketogenic diet, they will also offer the best solution.