Gym training for beginners – with or without a trainer? Opinions on this subject are divided. However, if you plan to exercise on your own, check out what you need to know. We suggest how to train at the gym without a trainer.
Training at the gym – with or without a trainer?
Systematic training at the gym is the best way to stay in shape and get the figure of your dreams. However, in order for it to bring measurable results, it must first of all be safe and tailored to our individual abilities. Planning it in the right way can be quite a challenge, and people who are new to the gym often feel a little lost. Then the question usually arises whether to work out at the gym with a trainer or try training on your own. Opinions on this subject are divided.
On the one hand, the trainer will adjust the training plan to our goals and condition, and at the same time will watch over the correct technique of performing the exercises. On the other hand, exercising under the watchful eye of a personal trainer is often associated with a considerable expense. Although not everyone can afford to work with a professional on a permanent basis, it is definitely worth arranging one trial training with them. This is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the equipment or basic exercises that we will be able to include in our training plan.
How to work out at the gym without a trainer? Basic tips
Do you decide to train at the gym without a trainer? Then start with the basics. The time for complicated exercises and heavy loads will come later. The first workouts at the gym, if we want to exercise on our own, should be based on basic exercises, learning the correct technique and familiarity with machines and equipment. Plan literally a few exercises. Try to do them without weight or with little weight. This will minimize the risk of injury and you will not get discouraged after the first time.
Gym training plan – choose the right one for your abilities and goals
Training at the gym gives great opportunities, as long as it is properly thought out and tailored to our goals. In order to enjoy the desired results and, most importantly, not to feel lost among machines and equipment, it is worth taking care of a good training plan. People who decide to exercise without a trainer can reach for sample gym workout plans for beginners, preferably those from trusted sources. The schedule will allow you to train wisely.
Match the sample gym workout plan to your training goals and individual abilities. You can choose from a schedule for fat burning, mass building, individual muscle groups, but also in a general development version (full body workout). Choosing the right one depends primarily on what effect you want to achieve and what shape you are currently in.
How to train at the gym without a trainer? Knowledge is key
Whether you choose to train at the gym with or without a trainer, safety should be a priority. It is obvious not to choose too heavy loads. However, the correct technique of exercising is also extremely important. By training under the supervision of a professional, we can quickly correct any mistakes. If you decide to exercise without a trainer, it is worth expanding your knowledge and familiarizing yourself with the theory. Instructional videos from reputable sources, showing individual exercises or apps for training at the gym, can be helpful.
To avoid injuries, when training at the gym without a trainer, it is also worth taking care of preparing the muscles and joints for increased physical exertion. Warming up is an absolute must. It doesn’t have to be long, but you can’t skip it. Five or ten minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike, plus a few basic exercises (skip A, skip C, jumping jacks, arm, wrist, leg circles) – that’s all it takes to properly prepare for the actual training. Thanks to this, we raise our heart rate and warm up the muscles and joints that will work intensively in a moment.